Been waiting night and day for my Valley Giant that I spent my student loan on to arrive (Tom said he could get it done in time for a July Vedauwoo trip) since early January, and starting to get a little concerned...! The trip went up in flames for obvious international travel reasons, but I've heard not much from Tom one way or another, despite a couple of emails asking if things are all good with him.
Anybody know if the guy's doing ok? Although it would be nice to have the cam, it would be good to know he's not fallen victim to the virus, or maybe run off to become a recluse hermit-monk or something? I'm aware that typically it takes a long time to get these things made and he works his own schedule and all that, this is by no means a post knocking what he does! Just looking to know that I didn't spend that month living on pasta canned peas and quorn in vain.